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  • Writer's pictureRichard Frimpong


Kwaku Manu was born into the Seventh-Day Adventist Church but he left the church without any regret.

During a conversation with Ghanaian Radio Presenter, Nana Romeo on Ayekoo Ayekoo show on Accra 100.5 FM, actor Kwaku Manu said “I used to be an SDA member, then I moved to Mama Vida’s church.

since it’s a fitting and conducive place, I associated my self with them.”

The actor details that since his occupation “involves many people,” he needs “an arm that is heavy and strong to push him [forward], both physically and spiritually”

Kwaku Manu also added that he needed a church that spiritual fortification is assured.

In my speaking, it can happen that some people are in favour or against. I’m an actor. It’s a job that involves multitudes also. If your spirit is not heavy and strong, you cannot stand before or lead multitudes,” he said.

He added that “so looking at the home I am from, and looking at myself – I always say my spirit speaks to me – I couldn’t have come out [of obscurity, staying there].

“You know God can destine you for greatness but if care is not taken, human beings can suppress it? Moses was told to take the Israelites to the Promised Land but he couldn’t make it himself. So, you can hear God’s voice alright but ask yourself if the church you’re in can take you to your expected destination ,” the actor added.

According to actor Kwaku Manu, “the [SDA] church does not like moviemaking. It’s like being a Jehovah’s Witness and wanting to become president. How can that happen? So if you have that vision, you need to leave that congregation”.

Justifying his reason for leaving the SDA church, Kwaku Manu said there are instances in the Bible where God told people to move away from their present location if they wanted to be prosperous and established.

This is what led me to Mama Vida. I had initially not planned to go join the church ... the conversation Mama Vida had with me made me realise I was playing with my progress in some things,” Kwaku Manu said.

Asked if he meant he wouldn't have become a star if he had remained in the SDA church, Kwaku Manu replied “they don’t cast out bad spirits there, do they?” SDA does not cast out bad spirits.”

Further sharing his thoughts on the SDA doctrine, he said “even if you reveal God is speaking to you, the church will suppress your gift. They don’t believe such things”.

He added that even pastors who lead others in “energetic prayers” stand the risk of being reported and reprimanded. “I needed a prophet who would actively intercede for me and give me timely directions” he said .

Despite his criticism, Kwaku Manu also confessed that the church is “powerful” in that, “my savoury speech and eloquence, which has made me a favourite of many, is from the quality SDA upbringing I received”.

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