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  • Writer's pictureNana yaw Dynamic

Tema is becoming a slum area – MCE

The Metropolitan CEO for Tema and New Patriotic Party (NPP) parliamentary candidate for Tema East, Yohane Nii Aramh Ashitey, has voiced worries over the lessening unique worth of the Tema city ascribed to overpopulation.

Mr Ashitey featured the city, once praised for its industrialization under previous President Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, encountering crumbling over the long run. During a meeting on Up close and personal on Citi television with Umaru Sanda Amadu, he recognized the change of explicit regions in Tema into ghettos because of pilgrims.

He explicitly brought up Destinations 2 and 20, involved by inhabitants who neglected to migrate after an undertaking fulfillment, and noticed that Networks 4, 7, 8, and 19 were at first very much arranged.

"In light of the ventures and the harbor, the indigenes who were initially living there needed to migrate, the arrangement in those areas isn't the arrangement that was utilized for different networks. The greater part of individuals who live around those areas are fisher people and ranchers. The more the populace continue to build, you will have ghetto nature creating, in light of the fact that the land is still little, and it isn't huge.

"For that reason in Community 1, the people who set up the processing plants and enterprises, they set up some little town inside Community 1. Site 2, site 20 and that multitude of ones, however after the entire task was finished, they didn't move. I feel that when they met up, they got brief designs and with time, it turned out to be more similar to a ghetto.

"Portions of Tema East seem to be a reconsideration in light of the fact that the indigenes must be resettled. That region was not arranged as expected." Mr Ashitey made sense of that modern and harbor improvements constrained native individuals to move, bringing about spontaneous settlements and the development of ghettos because of restricted accessible land.

Resolving the issue in Community 1, where production lines and businesses were laid out, he referenced the formation of little towns inside the local area that in the long run transformed into ghettos. Because of the populace increment and restricted land, ghetto like circumstances arose, particularly in regions with fishing and cultivating networks.

Mr Ashitey uncovered continuous designs to redevelop Tema New Town, integrating elevated structures to oblige a bigger populace. The redevelopment project intends to change the standpoint of Tema People Community 1 and Tema Manhean through staged improvement step by step.

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