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  • Writer's pictureNana yaw Dynamic

Guinness World Records rejects Afua Asantewaa’s attempt at longest singing marathon

Guinness World Records has authoritatively reported the rejection of Afua Asantewaa's bid to establish the record for the longest individual singing marathon.

In spite of singing for a noteworthy 126 hours and 52 minutes, her endeavor missed the mark concerning the current record held by Sunil Waghmare from India. Afua Asantewaa, who enraptured thousands with her five-day singing long distance race at Akwaaba Village in Accra, close to the Kotoka International Airport, got overpowering help from fans and showbiz characters. Remarkable figures like Nana Ama McBrown, Kwabena, Efya, and others participated in the occasion, making it a critical second in Ghana's entertainment scene.

Be that as it may, the authority reaction from Guinness World Records, shared on February 23, 2024, expressed, "Tragically Afua's Guinness World Records endeavor for the longest singing marathon was not fruitful." The proof check had proactively started, and regardless of Afua's solicitation for priority service, she got a refund recently. While the endeavor might not have gotten a spot in the record books, Guinness World Records communicated trust that Afua Asantewaa would make one more endeavor from here on out.

In spite of this difficulty, the positive help and support she got during the occasion stay a testament of her rousing endeavors.

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